Therapy Services
How can Occupational Therapy help your baby?
Occupational therapy (OT) for infants is designed to support their growth and development, helping them gain essential skills for daily activities. Early intervention can make a meaningful difference in a child’s development by creating a strong foundation for future growth and supporting both baby and family.
oral motor exercises
oral tension relief
bodywork and myofascial release
primitive Reflex Integration
positioning for bottle and/or breast-feeding
bottle system selection
pacifier selection
toys for oral motor development
guidance prior to and following tongue tie release
caregiver education and coaching
Breast and Bottle Feeding
Interventions include:
food selection to promote oral motor development and sensory integration skills
oral motor strengthening and coordination
sequential oral sensory (SOS) approach to feeding
addressing early picky eating
positioning and high-chair recommendations
transitioning from bottle to drinking cup
self-feeding skills
caregiver education and coaching to reduce stress during mealtimes
Introduction to Solids
Interventions include:
Motor Skill Development
Interventions include:
addressing head shape concerns
bodywork and myofasical release
gentle massage for tension release
strengthening and coordination needed for dynamic postural control
fostering a love for tummy time
mastering rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling to stand, and walking
upper extremity strengthening needed for fine motor skills